Hi, I’m Alison—a mom of two, cancer survivor, and a Functional Medicine practitioner

I am. here to help you restore your health and bring your body back in balance through a functional medicine approach.

Functional medicine is a whole body approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of dis-ease.  Each symptom or diagnosis may be one of many that contribute to an individuals illness.  Examples can be underlying inflammation, toxin/environmental exposures, nutrient deficiencies, antibiotic use, poor gut health, hormonal or thyroid imbalance, or underlying infections.  The work towards finding the underlying cause will lead to the steps needed to bring your body back in balance and harmony so you can feel your absolute best.

How I Got Here

As a young cancer survivor of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma at the age of 20, I knew I wanted to help others.

After surviving Cancer I felt it was my calling to work in the field of Oncology as a PA.  During that time I struggled with debilitating anxiety, digestive issues, frequent sinus infections and allergies, PMS, fatigue and later learned I had autoimmune thyroid problems. Struggling to get well through traditional means I turned to a holistic approach using functional medicine to get well. 

After learning the underlying causes I was able to reverse all of my health issues.  I then understood why I had cancer to begin with, and how my treatment contributed to a further imbalance in my body that set me up for further illness and autoimmune disease. I know that many people are struggling with similar issues and not getting answers or getting well.   I believe we all have the opportunity to live life better by brining the body back in balance to allow healing to occur.  

Today I feel better than I have in a long time and I know that this can be you too!

How I Can Help You

Benefits of Functional medicine:

-Understanding the root cause or the “why” to your symptoms or diagnosis

-Customized wellness plan based on your needs and your lifestyle

-Knowledge of what contributes to illness, how to prevent future illness, and the chance to look better, feel better and live longer

-Opportunity for lab work like genetic testing, food sensitivities, stool testing, hormone evaluation, nutrient levels and more to help further determine your specific needs

Symptoms and conditions I  can help:

-Autoimmune conditions like Hashimotos Thyroiditis, fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis

-Allergies (seasonal) and Asthma

-Thyroid dysfunction like hypothyroid


-Brain fog

-Stress and Anxiety

-Hormone dysfunction like PMS

-Digestive concerns like heartburn, bloating/gas, Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation/diarrhea

-Skin issues like eczema and acne

-Sleep disturbances

Why I’m Qualified

  • Thriving after cancer since 1996

  • Earned a BS in Nutrition from the University of Texas in Austin in 1999

  • Earned a MS and Physician Assistant Certification from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas in 2003

  • Worked as a Physician Assistant from 2004 to 2018

  • Certification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition 2018

  • School of Applied Functional Medicine Practitioner 2020

  • Founded Alisonwensrich LLC in 2018

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