How to avoid getting sick this winter, and what to do if you do!

How to boost your immune health and prevent illness this winter!

I want to outline a few key areas that you can do to reduce your risk of getting sick and if you do get sick what you can do to shorten the duration and get better quicker.

We all hate being sick.   We have lots to do and especially around the holidays.  We want to truly enjoy our family and friends and parties and outings and not miss out..  One year I got the flu and I missed out on so much! 

I  was one of those people who thought was pretty healthy but I still got sinus infections 2 times a year requiring antibiotics and steroid shots on occasion for allergies. I thought this was normal, but guess what its not. it was a clear sign my immune health was poor.   When I  worked as a PA in family practice so many people came in with colds, flu, bronchitis and most of the time it was a virus.  Unfortunately it is common practice to walk out of the doctors office with four prescriptions for a common cold that will get better on its own. 

Antibiotics are not necessary for viruses.  In fact they can make your immune system weaker by killing off the good bacteria in your gut.  It can take 6 months to recover from one round of antibiotics  and sometimes species of bacteria can be lost if we are not diligent in repairing the gut.  This can lead to leaky gut which causes symptoms like fatigue, food sensitives, bloating, poor immune health, skin issues and even mood changes or anxiety. 

So what can you do?

  1. Lifestyle habits  to do all the time:

  • Wash your hands for one. The best way to wash hands thoroughly is to sing the happy birthday song to wash your hands long enough to get rid of germs.  

  • Drink water.  I  recommend a good water filter or Berkley water purifier.  Drink half your body weight in ounces of water.  This helps your body function to its fullest capacity.

  • Sleep. If you struggle here work through some basic sleep guides and aim for 8-9 hours of sleep.  Keep your room dark, cool, avoid electronic use an hour before bedtime and dim the lights in your house.  Try to keep the same sleep wake schedule every day.  

  • Chill, meditate, do nothing, a few minutes a day.

  • Sunshine time, aim for 20 minutes a day of as much skin exposure as possible.

  • Eat veggies! Eat a variety of colors every day.  Aim to eat 1-2 with each meal. 

Vitamin C:  citrus, berries, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels, spinach, asparagus, tomato, pineapple, cantaloupe, mango

Vitamin A:  carrots, sweet potato, kale, spinach, broccoli, butter, eggs, peppers, mango, butternut winter squash, tuna

Vitamin E:  health fats, oils, nuts nut butters, whole grains, oats, avocado, brown rice, dark greens, trout

  • Exercise around 20-30 minutes a day

2. What you can do for Prevention:

  • Xlear nasal spray, helps fight cavities and prevents ear infections due to the xylitol ingredient. Use preventatively each night and after exposures like travel, parties etc

  • Elderberry syrup: Shown to kill h1n1 virus and helps the immune system.  Comes in gummies or syrup.

  • Essential oils like lavender, peppermint, lemon, you can diffuse them in your house.

  • Oscillococcinum: For Prevention take one vial once a week during winter.

3. Immune boosting supplements:

  • Vitamin D3:  best source sunlight but you can also supplement. 1000IU per 25 pounds daily. I recommend getting your vitamin D levels checked and if not optimal range which is 60-80 then you need to supplement. Food sources, cod liver oil, sardines, dairy, eggs, caviar, mushroom

  • Fish oil!: Help to Reduce inflammation and Support our immune system health and response to viruses.

  • Probiotics: Support brain health and immune detox pathways. Most of our immune system functions come from a healthy gut microbiome. Our gut bacteria secrete microbial and anticancer compounds as well. 2 strains lactobacillus and bifidobacterium can prevent cold and flu symptoms.  Find a brand with multiple strains and CFU’s.

4. What to do when you get sick:

  • Drink Warm fluids, bone broths (thins secretions), herbal teas, eat kimchi and fermented foods.

  • Avoid Dairy and sugar as it makes the virus worse and secretions worse

  • Oscillococcinum homeopathic medicine helps to shorten duration of flu. At the start of any fever/flu or illness Take one vial 3x over a 24 hour period. Same dose for kids and adults. It can Improve symptoms by 63%.

5. How to know when you need an antibiotic. 

If your fever goes away and you start to feel better, but then it returns and symptoms worsen, then go back to the doctor.  Usually colds go away in 7-10 days.  Flu symptoms are typically fever first 2-3 days with a cough, fatigue and aches,  if you start to recover but then worsen again then you may need an antibiotic.  You can get secondary infections after any virus like pneumonia, bronchitis or sinus infections.  

If you do need an antibiotic protect your gut!  Take a probiotic 1-2 hours after each antibiotic dose for at least one month after stopping the antibiotic.   Eating fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut will also help to feed your good bacteria.

An L -glutamine supplement can help to heal leaky gut. Dose of 500-1000 mg daily.

Zinc 10-30mg is also helpful for healing the gut.

Bone broth of around 8 ounces can be ingested daily to help heal the gut as well.

If you do buy supplements or essential oils make sure you buy from a reputable source.  If you have questions or need help I  would be happy to make further recommendations.  I  hope this helps keep you healthy this holiday season!